Welcome to the family, brother!

the piper repository

welcome to this part of the website. This section contains piper voices and the links to different resources related to piper. you can also upload your own piper voice models here.


this is the official github repo of sanata (formarlly piper for nvda) You need this to use the voices on this page
this is a video tutorial I made on how to train a piper voice. Note that there are no visuals in this, so its more like an audio tutorial
If you would rather read text instead, here is a text guide on how to train your piper voice via wsl. Note that the same steps apply for linux. If your not using piper recording studio, you can skip over that part in the tutorial
if you want some scripts that will make your life a little easyer when training voices, check out this guys page. He has also got some piper voices on there too

the main voice repo

the voice repository is an index, kind of like an open directory. you can press on the filename of it to download the voice.

link to the voices page

uploading your own voice

to upload your own piper voice to this repository, just click on the link to the uploader that is at the bottum of this page. Note that the uploader only supports zip files, so you will have to zip your piper voice up before you upload it.

link to the uploader